A multi-piece design made up of nine wood squares, our Wood Wall Art is a true design centrepiece. How you hang the grid is up to you: space the pieces out for a unique look, or close the gaps to make it look like one uniform picture. These are large pieces, starting from 3' x 3', so plan on showing off something that's big, bold and brilliant. Each design is printed with the highest image and colour quality, ready to impress all your guests. See Tyrrell's Wood Wall Art Collection, available for purchase online. See Tyrrell's Wood Wall Art Collection, available for purchase online.
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell
Photography by L Tyrrell

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